Sunday, May 11, 2014

7 Healthy Fatty Foods that Can Help You to Get a Flat Tummy

Can “fatty” foods really be  good for you and be helpful in getting a flat stomach? Almost everybody understands by now that eating fat doesn't necessarily make you fat. In fact it's imperative to get enough healthy fats in your diet. This helps to keep your hormones balanced,blood sugar under control, and prevent cravings.

Here we sum up an article by our friend Mike Geary about healthy fat foods, enjoy. At this point, the anti-fat propaganda has died and almost everybody understands by now that eating fat doesn’t necessarily make you fat.  In fact, it’s absolutely imperative to get enough healthy fats in your diet to keep your hormones balanced, blood sugar under control, and prevent cravings.  Here are 7 examples of “fatty” foods that can actually HELP you to get lean :

1. Super Dark Chocolate (at least 72% cacao content or higher)
2. Coconut milk, coconut flour, and coconut oil
3. Grass-fed (pasture-raised) butter
4. Whole Eggs, including the yolk (not just egg whites)
5. Grass-fed beef or bison (NOT the typical grain-fed grocery store beef!)
6. Avocados
7. Nuts:  Walnuts, Almonds, Pistachios, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Macadamias, etc

To read more detail about 7 Healthy Fatty Foods that Can Help You to Get a Flat Tummy go here.


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